How To Speed Up Microsoft Windows 7: Tips And Tricks

Windows 7 is a very interactive and powerful operating system for computers running on x86 and x64 architectures. The minimum requirements to run windows 7 is availability of 1 GB ram,1 GHz or higher CPU. But mostly memory is the problem. We want our computer to run using minimum possible memory and it should not waste memory. Most applications that are not in use by the user runs in the background and consumes large amount of memory, as a result computer becomes slow. So user should keep track of processes,and terminate the extra processes that are not in use. Here are some tips to speed up a Windows 7 PC.

How To Speed Up Microsoft Windows 7: Tips And Tricks

Always clear cache and unwanted files. These cache files resides in the RAM and consumes most of its space,as a result memory is wasted. So always clear the unwanted files. There are 3 methods to clear the cache. Doing this you can make your pc run faster.

  • Go to run in start menu and type %temp%,it will open temp folder.Delete everything in that folder.
  • Open my computer and right click on C:\,then properties then disk cleanup
  • Another method is to clear using the mooo disk cleaner.
Mooo Disk Cleaner Download

Uninstall Software

Do not install programs that you do not use or programs that can serve the same purpose. For example if you want to play audio files then there is no need to install any other media player program. Media Player Classic is one software that can play any media file on your computer. You can also terminate any background process that is no longer in use by using task manager in windows 7.

windows 7 task manager

Use System Tools

run windows 7 default programs provided in the accessories such as disk cleanup and disk Defragmenter. Also check your disk for errors periodically,you can go to run and type chkdsk.It will automatically check errors and fixes it. If windows 7 is running slow then you have to defrag the hard disk. Analyze disk before efragging.

Prevent Registry Errors

keep the windows 7 registry clean and error free. Use registry fix v1.6 to clean up the errors in the registry.

If you follow above steps your system can consume as low as 392 MB of ram while it is idle.

happy computing.

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  1. There is a great tool Digeus Registry Fixer I recommend to use this software when there are problems with windows system. I also recommend to use Windsty Tune Up Suite. It prevents computer problems.

  2. If they are free then its good to have them.
